Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 7, 2011

Crafts for summer: cute tank top for a little princess

Bring on summer! The sweetheart halter is ready to take on the heat in style!

"oh my! Am I looking cute or what?!"
And of course it ties in the back with a nice big bow. 
Ready to sew?

***And yet another outfit brought to you by the Studio Plus West Des Moines aka horrible lighting hotel. Sorry about that...
  • 1/2 yard main fabric (for size 18 mos)
  • Scrap of contrast fabric
  • 1/2" ish elastic
1. Cut out your pieces. The strap needs to be cut along the bias (diagonal to the selvage), so it has some stretch. I sewed 2 pieces together. My strap was pretty long, but I wanted the tails of the bow to hang down in the back. I did a narrow hem, so if you like a chunkier hem I'd make the body piece a bit longer. And as long as we're changing things up I'd suggest making the front body piece a little narrower (13") and the back a bit wider (15"). Trust me on this:) 

2. Gather the front body piece to match the length of your bodice (7" for me).
2. Fold the front tie in half with right sides together (RST) and sew up one short edge and the long edge. Turn right side out and press flat.
3. While you're ironing let's make bias tape:) The long strap is really extra wide bias tape. Iron the top and bottom edge in 1/4". Then fold it in half and iron again.
4. With RST sew the gathered body to the bodice- tuck the front tie in the seam right in the center (it doesn't matter which end you use).
5. Cinch the front tie in a bit to form your sweetheart neckline.
 6. Tuck all of your raw edges up inside the bodice (including the front tie) and then topstitch in place (it will look like the photo in #5 when you're finished).
7. With RST sew the front to the back along the side seams.
8. Find the center of your strap and pin to the back, so that it encloses the raw edge. Wrap around to the front and up the sides. The bodice will lay best if at the bottom you enclose just the edge with the strap and at the top you enclose as much as possible (I hadn't done that and you can see mine is a bit bubbly). Stitch along the bottom edge of the strap just past the bodice
9. Thread your elastic through the strap. Pull it slowly until the end of the elastic is about to move from the front to the back of the shirt. Tack the end of the elastic in place by sewing across the strap in a diaganol starting at the side seam. Pull your elastic to the desired snugness (you don't want the back to gape open) and then tack the other end in place. Pull up on your elastic as far as you can and trim the excess
10. If your bodice seems to be moving around a bit you can sew along each side of the tie to keep it in place
11. Sew along the rest of the edge of your strap. Hem the bottom and you're done!
Wow- I think she's looking even more mischievous than normal!

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Làm hoa making of Making toys Mamaia mandala mandala flori mandale Manuk manusa Maramures 2012 mare margele margele cubice margele de hartie margele de lemn margele metalice margele multifatetate Maria Tanase martie martisoare martisoare quilling martisor marturii botez marturii nunta mascota massai material floral materiale Medias meditatie mere metal mic dejun Michel Gantner midii Miercurea Galeriilor miniaturi minion mirese mittens mobil fluturi moda moda. moldova Monarchy monocrome Monsanto motive traditionale romanesti mov muscari mushrooms music Muzeul Taranului Roman muzica mystery Nail art narcisa nasturi Natalia Ponomareva natural jewels Nava Lubelski necklace negru Noaptea Alba a creatorilor si designerilor de produs nor nunta Obama ochi de pisica Of Porcelain oferta olivina onix organza origami ornamente padure paiete palarii panda pandativ pantofi paper paper art paper earrings paper flowers paper fridge magnets paper handmade magnets paper magnets paper mandala paper quilling magnets paper whale papusi papusi cu parul cret Park Chan-wook pasare pasari Patchwork pattern Paul Thomas Anderson pe internet peles pene pentru birou pentru bradul de craciun pentru gradina people featured perle pesticide piatra pic pictura pietre semipretioase Pillows Pinterzsu pisica pisici pisici dragute plante medicinale ploaie politica poncho portocaliu povesti Povestile Pelesului poze premii prietenii Circului Magic primavara 2013 prin bucatarie proiecte promovare provocari psychedelic psychedelic party in turkey publicitate puff stitch flower puisor PUIU quiling Quilled By Me Weekly quilling quilling books quilling earrings quilling fridge magnets quilling in jar quilling link party Quilling paper Quilt quotes Radauti rainbow rebirth 2011 reclama recomandari recycle recycling Red Bull Red Bull Colective Art Red's Yard reduceri relatii relaxare repair work retete retete de Pasti Revelion Revista Atelierul ribbon Roberto Cavalli romania rosu roz rubber biscuit rugs salata de alge Salina Praid Salvati Rosia Montana Salvatore Ferragamo sarma scarves scoici scrapbooking sea star seriale set sewing sf valentin Shabby Blogs shawls shoe tester shopper skirt slippers slotted tool Smoke City soap socata sold Spania spirale stampile star starfish statement stea stea de mare stea origami stella marina stephane rolland stickere story of PUIU strugure suc sun supa crema supa crema cu midii supa crema de legume cu midii suport cercei suport martisor swap. Revista Atelierul sweater tablecloths tablou tablou quilling tablouri quilling Tadashi Kawamata. targ de handmade Targu Mures targuri de craciun targuri de martisor Tatting teaser Teatrelli teatru TedxTalks telefon template tendinte moda 2013 teracota terina de dovlecei terrarium thassos The Mighty Bop The ONE Scissors Day thriller Tintin tipare toamna tortilla mexicane traista trance festivals trandafir trandafiri trenduri de craciun trifoi Tron Legacy Reconfigured turcia turcoaz tutorial Tutorial video TVR 1 underwater Underwater Love underwear vara vaza verde Vice victorian video video cu pisici dragute violin viorele voltron fest vulpite wax taylor we are moldova weaving wedding wedding favors whale wishlist wood Woody Allen yin and yang Yulia Brodskaya zambile zen Zen Garden